Coinbase® Extension®

Take control of your digital assets like never before with the Coinbase® Extension®. Simplify your crypto transactions and stay ahead in the market.

Coinbase® Extension® - Getting Started: Wallet Extension"


  • Overview of Coinbase Extension and its features.

  • Emphasize the importance of securing digital assets.

Understanding the Wallet Extension:

  • Explanation of the Wallet Extension feature within Coinbase Extension.

  • How it enables users to securely store and manage their cryptocurrency assets.

Setting Up Your Wallet:

  • Step-by-step guide on how to set up a wallet using the Coinbase Extension.

  • Instructions for linking existing Coinbase accounts or creating new ones.

Navigating Wallet Features:

  • Overview of the various features available within the Wallet Extension.

  • Highlighting functionalities such as transaction history, asset management, and security settings.

Security Best Practices:

  • Importance of implementing robust security measures to protect digital assets.

  • Guidance on setting up two-factor authentication (2FA) and other security features.

Managing Assets:

  • Tips for effectively managing cryptocurrency holdings using the Wallet Extension.

  • Information on buying, selling, and transferring assets within the wallet.

Troubleshooting and Support:

  • Common issues users may encounter and how to resolve them.

  • Accessing customer support and additional resources for assistance.


  • Recap of key points covered in the guide.

  • Encouragement for users to explore the full potential of the Coinbase Wallet Extension.

Coinbase and Extension are registered trademarks of Coinbase, Inc. This guide is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Users should conduct their own research and consider their risk tolerance before engaging in cryptocurrency transactions.

Last updated